At Monkfrith a number of our children are eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant. This money is targeted at improving outcomes for children.
How do we spend our Pupil Premium Grant?
- Small group tuition to suit the needs of the child – Teacher and TA led
- 1:1 Tuition
- Enrichment activities e.g. instrumental tuition, theatre trips
- Subsidising school trips (both day and residential)
- Specialist Literacy Teacher
- Teacher and Teaching Assistant Training
- Resources for use in specific interventions
- Support with external clubs and activities
How does the School make ensure we use the Pupil Premium Grant effectively?
The school’s evaluation of its own performance is rigorous. Tracking of progress over time for each pupil is thorough, and so we can quickly identify any dips and develop sensible strategies and interventions to promote improvement.
- A wide range of data is used – achievement data, pupils’ work, observations, learning walks, and staff, parent and pupil voice
- Assessment Data is collected termly so that the impact of interventions can be monitored regularly
- Assessments are closely moderated to ensure they are accurate
- Teaching staff attend and contribute to pupil progress meetings each half term and the identification of children is reviewed
- Regular feedback about performance is given to children and parents
- Interventions are adapted or changed if they are not working such as on attendance and behaviour
- The SLT maintains an overview of pupil premium spending
- A governor is given responsibility for pupil premium
We use ASP, KS2, Phonics and EYFS data as well as whole school data to evaluate impact in terms of attainment and progress.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-25
Pupil Premium Statement 2021/2
Pupil Premium Strategy 2020/21
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019/20 reviewed
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019_20
Pupil Premium Spending 2019:20 Spring Update
Pupil Premium Spending 2018 Autumn Term
Pupil Premium Spending 2018/9 Spring Update