Welcome to Year 4 with Miss Pierides and Miss Bennett
Here is some information about the upcoming term and ways you can help accelerate your children’s learning!
Spring Term 2025
Subject Area |
Learning |
How you can help at home |
English |
During Spring 1 the children will be writing an explanation leaflet and a narrative based around their topic, Burps, Bottoms and Bile. They will learn how to extend their sentences by using a wider range of conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. During Spring 2, the children will be writing a setting description … |
Talk about our topics. Any additional research will make them better writer! Practise looking up words in a dictionary and choosing the relevant meaning. Reading for at least 30 minutes each day makes a huge difference. Checking your child’s syntax, grammar and spelling rather than editing their work for them try and have a discussion with your child about what they need to improve. Talk about new and interesting vocabulary that they come across and make sure they understand the meanings. Use a dictionary to look them up. Encourage them to use new vocabulary, especially words related to the topic. Your child should take as much care with their homework, as they with their work in school. They have started editing their work so any work completed at home please encourage children to re-read and rectify any mistakes made or explore ways it can be improved. Make sure that anything they write is in joined up handwriting (except for capital letters), the spelling is correct and the sentences make sense. Practise makes permanent. |
Phonics/Spelling |
Spelling is taught as part of an English lesson most days of the week. Year 4 spellings further what they learnt in year 3 by the further use of prefixes and suffixes, a wider range of homophones, words that are often misspelt and using possessive apostrophes for singular and plural words. Children are taught to use the first 2 or 3 letters of a word to check its definition or spelling in a dictionary. Spelling tests take place once a week on Fridays in the form of simple sentences dictated by the teacher. |
Practice the common exception words as well as the words they have been given for their spelling tests. Discussing the meaning of any new word your child comes across while reading or in their spellings. Here is a list of spellings that all children in Year 4 should know by the end of the year. |
Creative Curriculum |
Burps, Bottoms, and Bile In Spring 1, our topic is mainly a science based and the children will learn about the teeth and the digestive system. In D&T, they will be learning to sew. Then they will design and create a t-shirt. Invasion |
Please talk about the topic and encourage your child to do additional research to help improve their knowledge, using scientific and historic words and feel more confident to contribute in class. Burps, Bottoms, and Bile
Maths |
The children will continue to work on multiplication and division facts. Firstly, multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Then moving on to solving multiplication and division of 3 digit by 1 digit.
We will also be working on fractions and decimals later in the term. Each week, they will be challenged on their times tables. They will complete 30 questions on a specific times tables, in 5 minutes. To pass and move onto the next challenge, they need 30/30. After they complete six challenges, they will receive a badge in assembly. This is a Monkfrith School Challenge. Children can be quite competitive and it has been a successful way to get children to learn their tables. |
By the end of year 4, they are expected to know all times table and division facts. Ready for the SATs assessment in the Summer term. E.g. 3 x 4 = 12 12 ÷ 3 = 4 Practicing times tables is crucial for your child’s mathematical development as it helps and relates to so many of the maths topics. They need to know both multiplication and division facts. These should be practiced out of order and discussing your child’s method in finding the answer is more beneficial than them simply “knowing” the answer. Identifying patterns within and across timetables is beneficial. Exposing your child to real world opportunities to use maths such as money and time. Monkfrith encourage them to learn all their tables through the weekly times table challenge. Time Table Rock Stars is a great way to learn their tables and it records the facts they know and do not know. Sound Check is a replica of this years SATs assessment. MyMaths.co.uk homework will be set weekly but can also be used to anytime to practise anything they have learnt. The website below has lots of great maths games. Choose the area you want to work on at the top and select a game to play. The link takes you to the problem solving games. Hit the button is one of the children’s favourites. Other good websites: If your child enjoys song, try learning times tables through these songs: Exposing your child to real world opportunities to use maths such as money and time. |
RE |
The children will cover a range of religions, religious festivals and sacred texts. |
Open-mindedness to these topics will only benefit your child’s understanding of them. They will be exploring and learning more about sacred texts at the British Library. |
PE |
Non-stop Action, our provider of physical education. PE lessons that are on a Tuesday are inside and Lessons that are on a Thursday are outside. |
Encouraging your child to stay active in their spare time is essential to their physical development (not necessarily competitive sport). 60 minutes of exercise a day is recommended. 30 minutes of this to be complete outside of school! |
Spanish/Music |
The children take part in Spanish and music lessons on a Tuesday or Thursday delivered by our experienced visiting teachers. |
Engaging your child in music on any level, from why they like a certain song to having them compose their own piece is very beneficial. Sing in the car/ and embrace your singing voices, good or bad; we want our children to enjoy their singing! Practicing words, they have learned in Spanish and how some words sound similar will help their development. |
Computing |
In Spring term, we will be teaching the children the importance of how to be safe online. Ensuring they remember what they have learnt in previous years. The children will be continuing to understand what a network is and what the internet is. They will design a program that includes count-controlled loops, make use of the design to write a program and develop the program by debugging it. |
Please talk to them about the importance of being safe online. Ask them to tell you the Monkfrith online safety rules. Ensure that they are using these rules at home too. The following websites have more information and advice for parents on how to help your child stay safe online. Algorithms can be used every day when giving or following instructions and directing objects, not only through online games but with describing the movements of practical objects. They will be using https://turtleacademy.com/playground to design and write programs using the repeat function. They are welcome to explore, practise and show you what they have learnt at home. Encourage them to use word processing software and a keyboard to improve the speed and accuracy of their typing. This website teaches them how to use all their fingers on the keyboard: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr |
Your child will be reading each week during their whole class guided reading sessions and independently reading daily, encouraging reading a range of genre, including non-fiction text, from the class book corner or a book of their choice from home.
These websites below recommends books for year 4.
This will be set on a Friday and should be handed in on Wednesday.
It will consist of spellings to practice, maths and then either grammar or something related to our topic. If the piece of work is project based, it may extend across several weeks.
This will all be set on Google Classroom. Their login information is stuck inside their books. You will find their mymaths and Times Table Rock Stars login information there too.
We also expect each child to do:
- 30 minutes independent reading everyday!
- 10 minutes mental maths/times tables everyday (Year 3 are expect to know a 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 and know ALL their times tables by the end of Year 4. They complete the Monkfrith times table challenge each week).
In addition
Any tissues would be greatly appreciated! As would any unwanted newspaper, as we use these frequently during our art lessons.
If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to write us a note or make an appointment to see us.
We look forward to the term ahead.
Miss Pierides, Miss Bennett and their teaching team
Autumn Term 2024
Subject Area | Learning | How you can help at home |
English | During Autumn 1 the children will be writing a character description, a diary entry and a non-chronological report based around our topic, Potions. They will learn how to extend their sentences by using a wider range of conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. During Autumn 2, they will look at Boudicca, writing a character description and newspaper report about her battles and finally a non-chronological report answering How did the Romans change Britain? | Talk about our topics. Any additional research will make them better writer! Practise looking up words in a dictionary and choosing the relevant meaning. Reading for at least 30 minutes each day makes a huge difference. Checking your child’s syntax, grammar and spelling rather than editing their work for them try and have a discussion with your child about what they need to improve. Talk about new and interesting vocabulary that they come across and make sure they understand the meanings. Use a dictionary to look them up. Encourage them to use new vocabulary, especially words related to the topic. Your child should take as much care with their homework, as they with their work in school. They have started editing their work so any work completed at home please encourage children to re-read and rectify any mistakes made or explore ways it can be improved. Make sure that anything they write is in joined up handwriting (except for capital letters), the spelling is correct and the sentences make sense. Practise makes permanent. |
Phonics/Spelling | Spelling is taught as part of an English lesson most days of the week. Year 4 spellings further what they learnt in year 3 by the further use of prefixes and suffixes, a wider range of homophones, words that are often misspelt and using possessive apostrophes for singular and plural words. Children are taught to use the first 2 or 3 letters of a word to check its definition or spelling in a dictionary. Spelling tests take place once a week on Fridays in the form of simple sentences dictated by the teacher. | Practice the common exception words as well as the words they have been given for their spelling tests. Discussing the meaning of any new word your child comes across while reading or in their spellings. Here is a list of spellings that all children in Year 4 should know by the end of the year. |
Creative Curriculum |
Potions In Autumn 1, our topic is mainly a science based and the children will learn about the three states of matter. We will be working on a food technology project for DT. I am Warrior | Please talk about the topic and encourage your child to do additional research to help improve their knowledge, using scientific and historic words and feel more confident to contribute in class. Potions Visit the local library to find non-fiction books about states of matter/materials. Look for information using contents, glossaries and index pages. Write down any new facts you have learnt. Research materials from each state of matter. Discuss materials in and around your home Look at liquids and their viscosities. I am Warrior Visit the local library to research the Roman in Britain and history of your local area. Visit a local Roman site. Discuss the understand of the British history timeline. Research what they eat during these times. Can you still find them in their local shops? Discuss what the Romans brought to Britain. Visit or discuss the roads the Romans built and still exist today. |
Maths | The children will start by focusing on place value up to 4 digit numbers, then move on to carrying out calculations with all four operations. Each week, they will be challenged on their times tables. They will complete 30 questions on a specific times tables, in 5 minutes. To pass and move onto the next challenge, they need 30/30. After they complete six challenges, they will receive a badge in assembly. This is a Monkfrith School Challenge. Children can be quite competitive and it has been a successful way to get children to learn their tables. | By the end of year 4, they are expected to know all times table and division facts. Ready for the SATs assessment in the Summer term. E.g. 3 x 4 = 12 12 ÷ 3 = 4 Practicing times tables is crucial for your child’s mathematical development as it helps and relates to so many of the maths topics. They need to know both multiplication and division facts. These should be practiced out of order and discussing your child’s method in finding the answer is more beneficial than them simply “knowing” the answer. Identifying patterns within and across timetables is beneficial. Exposing your child to real world opportunities to use maths such as money and time. Monkfrith encourage them to learn all their tables through the weekly times table challenge. http://tablestest.com/ Time Table Rock Stars is a great way to learn their tables and it records the facts they know and do not know. Sound Check is a replica of the SATs assessment in June. https://play.ttrockstars.com/ Sound Check on TTRS is a replica of the SATs assessment. The SATs assessment only tests their multiplication facts. MyMaths.co.uk homework will be set weekly but can also be used to anytime to practise anything they have learnt. The website below has lots of great maths games. Choose the area you want to work on at the top and select a game to play. The link takes you to the problem solving games. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/problem-solving Hit the button is one of the children’s favourites. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Other good websites: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/22/most-popular Learn the number of day in each month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drH3_Flt85g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYshA2ybFdY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Ma0D-fN38 If your child enjoys song, try learning times tables through these songs: 3 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XzfQUXqiYY 4 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ue9Kux95H0 6 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9os1VUUp5io 7 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEnQbnxWtqM 8 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X620IeUkYE 9 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGsrC6ZPVGM Exposing your child to real world opportunities to use maths such as money and time. |
PE | Non-stop Action, our provider of physical education. 4B Tuesday indoor and 4P Thursday outdoor | Encouraging your child to stay active in their spare time is essential to their physical development (not necessarily competitive sport). 60 minutes of exercise a day is recommended. 30 minutes of this to be complete outside of school! |
Spanish/Music | The children take part in Spanish and music lessons on a Tuesday and Thursday delivered by our experienced visiting teachers. | Engaging your child in music on any level, from why they like a certain song to having them compose their own piece is very beneficial. Sing in the car/ and embrace your singing voices, good or bad; we want our children to enjoy their singing! Practicing words, they have learned in Spanish and how some words sound similar will help their development. |
Computing | In Autumn term, we will be teaching the children the importance of how to be safe online. Ensuring they remember what they have learnt in previous years. They will be learning what networks and the internet are. | Please talk to them about the importance of being safe online. Ask them to tell you the Monkfrith online safety rules. Ensure that they are using these rules at home too. The following websites have more information and advice for parents on how to help your child stay safe online. https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ http://www.kidsmart.org.uk/ http://www.netsmartzkids.org/ https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/ Algorithms can be used every day when giving or following instructions and directing objects, not only through online games but with describing the movements of practical objects. Encourage them to use word processing software and a keyboard to improve the speed and accuracy of their typing. This website teaches them how to use all their fingers on the keyboard: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr |
TBC The Summer Term 2024
Subject Area | Learning | How you can help at home |
English | During Summer 1, the children will be writing a setting description from a music video and a biography. They will organise their writing into paragraphs, extend their sentences by using a wider range of conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. During Summer 2, the children will be writing a narrative and studying poetry based on the their topic Blue Abyss. | Talk about our topics. Any additional research will make them better writer! Practise looking up words in a dictionary and choosing the relevant meaning. Reading for at least 30 minutes each day makes a huge difference. Checking your child’s syntax, grammar and spelling rather than editing their work for them try and have a discussion with your child about what they need to improve. Talk about new and interesting vocabulary that they come across and make sure they understand the meanings. Use a dictionary to look them up. Encourage them to use new vocabulary, especially words related to the topic. Your child should take as much care with their homework, as they with their work in school. They have started editing their work so any work completed at home please encourage children to re-read and rectify any mistakes made or explore ways it can be improved. Make sure that anything they write is in joined up handwriting (except for capital letters), the spelling is correct and the sentences make sense. Practise makes permanent. |
Phonics/Spelling | Spelling is taught as part of an English lesson most days of the week. Year 4 spellings further what they learnt in year 3 by the further use of prefixes and suffixes, a wider range of homophones, words that are often misspelt and using possessive apostrophes for singular and plural words. Children are taught to use the first 2 or 3 letters of a word to check its definition or spelling in a dictionary. Spelling tests take place once a week on Fridays in the form of simple sentences dictated by the teacher. | Practice the common exception words as well as the words they have been given for their spelling tests. Discussing the meaning of any new word your child comes across while reading or in their spellings. Here is a list of spellings that all children in Year 4 should know by the end of the year. |
Creative Curriculum | Playlist In Summer 1 our topic is mainly a science based and the children will learn about how sounds are made and how the ear works. Blue Abyss In Summer 2, our topic is mainly geography and science based as they will be learning about the different bodies of water around the globe using maps/atlases to locate them. They will also look at the layers of the oceans and the animals that can survive in each layer. They will learn how to classify living things and use a classification key to identify the living thing. | Please talk about the topic and encourage your child to do additional research to help improve their knowledge, using scientific and historic words and feel more confident to contribute in class. Playlist Visit the local library to find non-fiction books about sound. Look for information using contents, glossaries and index pages. Write down any new facts they have learnt. Explore different sounds. How does it travel? Does it travel through different materials? What happens to sound as it travels further away from the source? Discuss pitch of a sound and features of objects that produced it. Discuss volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it. Blue Abyss Visit the local library to research the bodies of water and ocean layers. Use atlases to locate countries, towns, bodies of water. Look at keys and identify key aspects of physical geography. Discuss their local area. Use digital maps to locate local places they recognise. Discuss living things from the sea. Sort and classify living things into the six main animal groups: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and invertebrates. Discuss food chains and classification keys to help identify the living thing. |
Maths | The children will continue to work on fractions and decimals. Then use this understanding to help them write money as decimals and solve money problems. By year 4, they should be able to tell the time on an analogue clock. This term, they will be learning how to convert between analogue and digital times and then converting to a 24 hour clock. Next, they will learn how to identify, compare and order angles. They will learn to identify and name different triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons. They will look at lines of symmetry. In statistics, they will be interpreting and comparing different charts. Then focusing on line graphs. Finally, they will learning about coordinates and translation on a grid. Each week, they will be challenged on their times tables. They will complete 30 questions on a specific times tables, in 5 minutes. To pass and move onto the next challenge, they need 30/30. After they complete six challenges, they will receive a badge in assembly. This is a Monkfrith School Challenge. Children can be quite competitive and it has been a successful way to get children to learn their tables. | It is vital that your child knows how to tell the time on an analogue clock as this is a year 1, 2 and 3 objective. Please ask them the time daily. It is helpful if you are out shopping to look at prices of items, compare them, add them and find the change. By the end of year 4, they are expected to know all times table and division facts. Ready for the SATs assessment in the Summer term. E.g. 3 x 4 = 12 12 ÷ 3 = 4 Practicing times tables is crucial for your child’s mathematical development as it helps and relates to so many of the maths topics. They need to know both multiplication and division facts. These should be practiced out of order and discussing your child’s method in finding the answer is more beneficial than them simply “knowing” the answer. Identifying patterns within and across timetables is beneficial. Exposing your child to real world opportunities to use maths such as money and time. Monkfrith encourage them to learn all their tables through the weekly times table challenge. http://tablestest.com/ Time Table Rock Stars is a great way to learn their tables and it records the facts they know and do not know. Sound Check is a replica of this years SATs assessment. https://play.ttrockstars.com/ MyMaths.co.uk homework will be set weekly but can also be used to anytime to practise anything they have learnt. The website below has lots of great maths games. Choose the area you want to work on at the top and select a game to play. The link takes you to the problem solving games. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/problem-solving Hit the button is one of the children’s favourites. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Other good websites: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/22/most-popular Learn the number of day in each month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drH3_Flt85g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYshA2ybFdY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Ma0D-fN38 If your child enjoys song, try learning times tables through these songs: 3 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XzfQUXqiYY 4 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ue9Kux95H0 6 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9os1VUUp5io 7 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEnQbnxWtqM 8 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X620IeUkYE 9 times table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGsrC6ZPVGM Exposing your child to real world opportunities to use maths such as money and time. |
PE | Non-stop Action, our provider of physical education. PE lessons will be inside on Tuesday. | Encouraging your child to stay active in their spare time is essential to their physical development (not necessarily competitive sport). 60 minutes of exercise a day is recommended. 30 minutes of this to be complete outside of school! |
PSHE | The children will learn that people feel included within healthy friendships – being a good friend They will start to understand the effect alcohol has on the body, the law and risks relating to alcohol and understand why people choose to use or not use legal drugs such as alcohol. | |
RE | The children will be looking at the different ways religious groups worship and compare these. They will be identifying symbols and artefacts used in worship. | Open-mindedness to these topics will only benefit your child’s understanding of them. The children always enjoy class discussion which are encouraged at home too. |
Spanish/Music | The children take part in Spanish and music lessons on a Tuesday delivered by our experienced visiting teachers. | Engaging your child in music on any level, from why they like a certain song to having them compose their own piece is very beneficial. Sing in the car/ and embrace your singing voices, good or bad; we want our children to enjoy their singing! Practicing words, they have learned in Spanish and how some words sound similar will help their development. |
Computing | In Summer term, we will continue to remind the children the importance of how to be safe online. Ensuring they remember what they have learnt in previous years. They will be learning how to create and edit audio. | Please talk to them about the importance of being safe online. Ask them to tell you the Monkfrith online safety rules. Ensure that they are using these rules at home too. The following websites have more information and advice for parents on how to help your child stay safe online. https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ http://www.kidsmart.org.uk/ http://www.netsmartzkids.org/ https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/ Algorithms can be used every day when giving or following instructions and directing objects, not only through online games but with describing the movements of practical objects. They can continue to explore using https://turtleacademy.com/playground to design and write programs using the repeat function. They are welcome to explore, practise and show you what they have learnt at home. Encourage them to use word processing software and a keyboard to improve the speed and accuracy of their typing. This website teaches them how to use all their fingers on the keyboard: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr |