Governing Body


Welcome to Monkfrith from the school governing body.

Our role is to work with the school to help raise standards of achievement and to promote the well-being of our pupils. Every member of the governing body has a special connection with the school and that’s why we are all passionate about supporting the school and maintaining the wonderful reputation of Monkfrith pupils across the local community. The governing body:

  • Is accountable for the performance of the school
  • Helps shape the school’s future direction
  • Monitors and reviews the performance of the school
  • Makes decisions about the school’s budget and staffing
  • Ensures the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs
  • Advises on how the school can ensure the welfare of all pupils through good moral and cultural development

As a body we meet termly to discuss the strategic direction of the school, review performance and discuss the implementation of new initiatives that support the school’s ambition of continuous improvement. We also have three smaller committees that meet termly to discuss specific issues that fall under the following categories; finance & resources,  pupil progress and welfare and personnel. The governing body is made up of teacher governors, co-opted governors, local authority governors and parent governors. Parent governors, in particular, are in a unique position to give constructive feedback on how effective the school is being in delivering the curriculum and providing a safe and enriching environment for its pupils.

Monkfrith Governors

Awaiting Photo:
Paul Lemon, Local Authority Governor, term of office September 2022 to September 2026
Jamie Cooper, Parent Governor, term of office July 2023 to July 2027
Josh Mastin-Lee, Co-opted Governor
Luke Louca, Parent Governor, term of office July 2023 to July 2027


Finance Committee
Members:  Jonathan Bruck (committee chair),  Jude Deasey, George Powell, Marc Greene, Paul Lemon, Josh Mastin-Lee

Pupil Progress & Welfare
Members:   Carolyn Hudson (committee chair) Jude Deasey, Marc Greene, Jonathan Bruck, Michael Nicholson,

Members: Michael Nicholson (committee chair)Jude Deasey, Carolyn Hudson, George Powell, 

Please click below to see governors’ attendance for 2022, areas of responsibility and terms of office.

Governor attendance 2023-24

Governor attendance 2022-23

Governor attendance 2021-22

Governor Link Roles

Carolyn Hudson – SEN Marc Greene – EYFS
Jamie Cooper – Safeguarding
Jonathan Bruck – GDPR, Health and Safety Jay Mudhar – PE
Staff Wellbeing – George Powell Michael Nicholson – STEM