We provide a broad and balanced curriculum. Our learning is connected through exciting themes which develop children’s ability to make horizontal links across the year and vertical links between year groups. Vocabulary linked to subject specific areas of the curriculum, as well as vocabulary for learning, is explicitly taught so children are able to talk confidently about what they have learnt. Our curriculum provides opportunities for children to learn about their emotions through Zones of Regulation and PSHE. This approach means there is a shared vocabulary to describe feelings and a shared set of strategies to be successful learners.
Our Curriculum is developed into half termly topics, using the National Curriculum and some of the resources from Cornerstones.
Long term curriculum maps ensure progression in skills and knowledge across the school.
Most of the curriculum (English, Science, History, Geography, DT, Art and Computing) is taught as part of the topic, however other subject areas are taught discretely.
At Monkfrith there is an emphasis on investigation and practical work wherever possible. Children are then able to ask questions, devise solutions and test them. Children can develop their scientific knowledge by taking part in discussions, fair testing and discovering things for themselves.
By observing, exploring, collecting, ordering, experimenting and recording, the children will be taught skills that will lead to a greater understanding of the world.
Working Scientifically Overview
Design Technology
Throughout the school children are given the opportunity to work with various materials and tools in order to design and make products. We encourage the children to work together creatively to find solutions to problems.
Design and Technology Overview
Computing, or using computers and ipads, is taught throughout the school. Computers and ipads are used for a range of purposes by children including maths games, data processing, word processing and accessing the Internet. Children often use the computer to publish their stories and poems and print these for display or to share them with others. Children will also become familiar with code through practical activities and use of software packages. Safe practise using technology is encouraged throughout the school through our online safety sessions.
History and Geography
In the Early Years and Key Stage 1, history is taught through a range of interesting topic areas which fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum. Children learn about changes within living memory through the Street Detective topic in Year 2, which focuses on local changes ,and Moon Zoom in Year 1. They are also introduced to significant events beyond living memory, for example the Great Fire of London which is taught through Bright Lights, Big City in Year 1. Throughout most of the topics, references will be made to significant people who have contributed to national and international achievements.
In Key Stage 2, children learn about a range of historical eras ranging from Pre-historic Britain and the Ancient Greeks to the Battle of Britain. History is taught in an engaging and hands-on manner that enables children to think creatively. All children are encouraged to ask questions about the past, challenge given information and make comparisons between the past and present.
Across the school, children are taught to describe and understand key aspects of human and physical geography as well as naming and locating countries across the world using maps and atlases. In Key Stage 1, the emphasis is on the local area while in Key Stage 2, children are challenged to learn about lands further afield.
Our children have the opportunity to express themselves in many different ways using paint, collage and modelling materials. Children are taught to understand and enjoy many aspects of Art and Craft throughout the world and study the work of artists from many cultures. They have the opportunity to use a variety of materials and techniques to create their own masterpieces.
Art and Design Overview
Special Educational Needs
Children can have Special Educational Needs at any time in their school career. We believe that early intervention is helpful and the class teacher will speak to parents if they have concerns about a child. The child will be given an Individual Education Plan to support them and parents will be kept informed about their child’s progress. The school often works in partnership with specialists from other services and involves them in a child’s learning, where appropriate. The school complies with the national Code of Practice and parents are welcome to see our full policy.