Welcome back to Year 5 with Mrs Ditchburn and Mrs Slater
Year 5 Curriculum Overview – Spring Term 2024
Subject Area | Learning | How you can help at home |
English | Our class readers this term are Tom’s Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce and Floodlands by Marcus Sedgwick. The children’s writing will be linked to the term’s topics and class readers They will: create and perform an advert using persuasive language techniques write a balanced argument | Encourage your child to read every day for a minimum of 30 mins. Could you set aside 30 mins of family reading time where the house is nice and quiet? Even 10 minute blocks of reading are beneficial for reading development. They can read magazines, books, newspapers – First News is a great newspaper specially written for children. The Week Junior is also a good source of information for those who prefer non-fiction. If you can, read the books they are reading so you can engage in exciting dialogue, discussing character, setting and storyline as well as making predictions and inferring why certain events may occur or why characters behave in the recorded manner. How does the author take you on this exciting journey? Talk about any new, interesting or difficult vocabulary that they meet. Do they need to use a dictionary to gain a better understanding? Books can be expensive to buy but a library ticket would enable your child to access a wide variety of literature for free. Or have a book swap with friends and family. |
Phonics/Spelling | Grammar will be taught to develop technical skills that they can apply to their writing.Spelling lists can be found here | Encourage your child to use a dictionary to support their vocabulary, when completing their homework. |
Creative Curriculum | Alchemy Island Geography – using four-figure and six-figure grid references to locate places on a map and plan their own route. Identifying physical and human features on a map, and symbols on an OS map. We shall be researching the regions of Scotland throughout both topics. Art – creating collage in the style of Peter Doig while learning about his life as an artist. Science – (WS) Children will plan different types of enquiry, including controlling variables. They will set up fair tests, make predictions based on prior knowledge, take measurements using a range of scientific equipment, and record and present their findings. (SK) Children will compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties. Allotment Geography – continue to develop their understanding of key aspects of physical and human geography (including vegetation and climate zones, and economic activity and the distribution of natural resources) through a study of the characteristics of a particular region (Scotland) and the USA, and how these change over time. Art – Make a study of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama and create flower sculptures Science – (WS) flower dissection (SK) Children will be able to describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals. | Encourage your child to read more widely to gain more information about the topics. Ask questions; as they research in school and at home, they often find fun and fascinating facts. There are amazing resources to be found in the museums and galleries of London which relate directly to our topics. Most of these are free so, if you are able to spend a day on the weekend exploring them with your child, it will greatly enhance their topic learning. The Science museum offers a range of activities that allow children to broaden their knowledge of the wider world through play. |
Maths | Number Multiplication and Division, fractions and decimals Multiply up to 4 digit number by a 2 digit number, divide 4 digit number by a 1 digit number, including remainders. Fractions Compare and order fractions, including fractions >1. Add and subtract fractions with different denominations and mixed numbers. Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. Decimals and Percentages decimals up to 2dp. Thousands as decimals, rounding, ordering and comparing. Understand percentages and equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Geometry Coordinates and Translation position in the first quadrant, reflection and translation of congruent shapes. | The children will need to know their times tables inside out and back to front. For example:7 x 8 = 568 x 7 = 5656 ÷ 8 = 756 ÷ 7 = 8and then the related facts:0.7 x 8 = 5.60.8 x 7 = 5.65.6 ÷ 8 = 0.75.6 ÷ 7 = 0.8Make sure your child has regular access to Times Tables Rockstars – they really enjoy battling with their friends (and teachers) and it is an excellent way to improve their recall of all tables.http://tablestest.comWe use www.mymaths.co.uk to set homework sometimes, however the children can use it anytime to practise something we have learnt or test to themselves. |
PSHE | Our themes for this term are Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world. We will celebrate Mental Health Week with activities and a Dress to Express Day | Encourage your child to discuss their feelings. |
RE | Looking at Inspirational People Children will develop their knowledge of the religious leaders of the world; Understand the position in the local community of religious leaders and other members of the community, and be able to identify women and men from a variety of cultures and times who are regarded as inspirational by people today. | By being respectful of all faiths and allowing children to ask questions about the subjects studied. |
PE | Spring One All for Sport (Tuesday) 5LD will have an additional PE session on Mondays Spring Two All for Sport (Thursday) 5S will have an additional PE session on Mondays | PE kit MUST be in school at all times and CLEARLY LABELLED with your child’s name. Long hair must be tied back for all sport activities. Earrings will be required to be removed during physical exercise – if ears are newly pierced then they must be taped for safety reasons.Children well enough to be in school will be expected to participate in the activities. |
KS2 – Spanish/Music | The children will receive music lessons with Mrs Folan. The children will continue their Spanish lessons, weekly. | Encourage your children to listen to a wide range of different music styles. Ask your child about their learning. |
Boxes of tissues are always greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions or queries, however small, please do not hesitate to write a note or make an appointment via the office for us to give you a call back.
We are looking forward to the term and would like to thank you in advance for your support.
Mrs Ditchburn & Mrs Slater